Denationalization of Industry

Central Executive Committee, Council of People’s Commissars, Denationalization of Industry. December 10, 1921


Original Source: Sistematicheskoe sobranie zakonov RSFSR (Moscow: Iurid. izd-vo NKIU RSFSR, 1921), Text 684.

1. All industrial establishments subject to nationalization on the ground of the Decree of the Supreme Economic Council of November 29, 1920, are considered to have become the property of the republic if their actual nationalization took place.

2. Nationalization has actually taken place:

a) If the establishment has been taken over by the authorities under a written record thereof;

b) If (governmental] management of the establishment has been organized or a manager appointed;

c) If the expenses of running the business or of safeguarding the establishment have actually been paid by the government.

3. All other establishments mentioned in the above decree which have not been actually nationalized in accordance with Section 2 belong to the former owners who may use them in accordance with the law.

Central Executive Committee
Council of People’s Commissars

Source: Vladimir Gsovski, Soviet Civil Law (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School, 1948), Vol. I, pp. 295.

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