Nazi-Soviet Agreement

Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Frontier and Friendship Agreement. September 28, 1939


The German Reich Government and the Government of Soviet Russia, after the disintegration of the former Polish State, consider it their task to restore in this region law and order and to insure nationals living there an existence corresponding to their national character. With this aim in view they have agreed as follows:

Article I

The German Reich Government and the Government of the Soviet Republics lay down as the frontier of their respective spheres of interests in the region of the former Polish State the line which is drawn on the attached map and which will be described in detail in a supplementary protocol.

Article II

Both parties recognize the frontier laid down in Article I of the interest spheres of both States as definite and will decline interference of any kind by a third power with this settlement.

Article III

The necessary new political regulation is undertaken by the German Reich Government in districts west of the line laid down in Article I and by the Government of the Soviet Republic in districts east of this line.

Article IV

The German Reich Government and the Government of the Soviet Republic regard the before-mentioned settlement as a foundation for progressing development of friendly relations between their peoples.

Article V

This treaty will be ratified, and ratification documents will be exchanged in Berlin as soon as possible. The agreement comes into force on the day of its signature.

von Ribbentrop

Source: Nazi-Soviet relations, 1939-1941; documents from the archives of the German Foreign Office as released by the Dept. of State (Nazi-Soviet relations, 1939-1941; documents from the archives of the German Foreign Office as released by the Dept. of State, 1948).

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