Comrade Soviet Film Actors!

V. Guchkova, Comrade Soviet Film Actors!. 1939


Written with classmates.

The fan letters that poured in after release of «Aleksandr Nevskii» showed that Soviet movie viewers picked up on and approved of the message of patriotism underlying that film, and others released in the same period. Thanks to David Brandenberger for sharing this archival discovery.

Original Source: RGALI, f. 1923, op. 1, d. 2289, ll. 38-39.

Comrade Soviet Film Actors!

We Pioneers of the city of Morshansk write you this letter. We’ve seen a lot of movies that we like a lot. Here in Morshansk right now in the Spartacus movie theater there’s a historical picture Aleksandr Nevskii. Wow did we like it! How good Russians fought for their in-dependence 700 years ago. We really liked how decorated movie actor honored artist of the USSR Nikolai Cherkasov played his role. We’ve seen a lot of movies with him in it. MAN WITH A GUN, THE GREAT DAWN and LENIN IN OCTOBER are also good movies.

A big Pioneer Thank You for your great movie, which we like a lot and also all the Pioneers of Morshansk.


V. Guchkova 5th Grade
Z. Kiseleva 6th Grade
P. Ladokhina 6th Grade
P. Sokolinskaia 6th Grade

With a Pioneer goodbye.


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