Brezhnev Congratulates Karmal

Leonid Brezhnev, Congratulations to Comrade Babrak Karmal. December 30, 1979


Original Source: TASS, 30 December 1979.

To Comrade Babrak Karmal, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

I heartily congratulate you on being elected as general secretary of the Central Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan and to the senior state posts of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

On behalf of the Soviet leadership and myself personally, I wish you great successes in all your diverse activity for the good of the friendly Afghan people. I am sure that in the present conditions the Afghan people will succeed in defending the gains of the April revolution and the sovereignty, independence and national dignity of the new Afghanistan.

Source: Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report (28 and 31 December 1979), D3, D5 & D7, D11.

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